Douglas Max Utter - Father and Son Screen Shot 2025-02-20 at 3.37.17 PM.png

Douglas Max Utter - Father and Son

Douglas Max Utter - Highway Ends Screen Shot 2025-01-14 at 4.43.13 PM.png

Douglas Max Utter - Highway Ends

IMG_3981.jpeg IMG_5245.jpeg

Douglas Max Utter Book - In Search of a New Mind

Douglas Max Utter_Winter Diamond_acrylic shellac + tar on canvas_32”L x 28”H_2002-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Winter Diamond_acrylic shellac + tar on canvas_32”L x 28”H_2002-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Winter Diamond

Douglas Max Utter_Father's Day_oil on canvas, 12”L x 1”W x 12”H_2021-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Father's Day_oil on canvas, 12”L x 1”W x 12”H_2021-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Father's Day

Douglas Max Utter_Why Did You?_oil on canvas, 12”L x 1”W x 12”H_2021-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Why Did You?_oil on canvas, 12”L x 1”W x 12”H_2021-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Why Did You?

Douglas Max Utter_Passanger To Troy_oil on canvas, 12”L x 1”W x 12”H_2021-1.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Passanger To Troy_oil on canvas, 12”L x 1”W x 12”H_2021-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Passanger To Troy

Douglas Max Utter_Mid-Century Modern, 2023_oil on canvas_48” x 36”-3.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Mid-Century Modern, 2023_oil on canvas_48” x 36”-2 smaller jpg.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Mid-Century Modern

Douglas Max Utter_Foundling, 2023_oil + pastel on canvas_37” x 48”-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Foundling, 2023_oil + pastel on canvas_37” x 48”-4.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Foundling

Douglas Max Utter_Eros and Psyche, 1991_spray paint on canvas_71” x 60”-4.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Eros and Psyche, 1991_spray paint on canvas_71” x 60”-3.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Eros and Psyche

Douglas Max Utter_Inner Circle, 2023_oil on canvas_48” x 36”-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Inner Circle, 2023_oil on canvas_48” x 36”-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Inner Circle

Douglas Max Utter_Airport, 1987_black pastel + acrylic on paper_18” x 21”-1 2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Airport, 1987_black pastel + acrylic on paper_18” x 21”-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Airport

Douglas Max Utter_Gray Loren, 1986_latex house paint on canvas_48” x 48%22-3.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Gray Loren, 1986_latex house paint on canvas_48” x 48%22-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Gray Loren

Douglas Max Utter_Fight Club, 2023_oil on canvas_30” x 40”-1.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Fight Club, 2023_oil on canvas_30” x 40”-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Fight Club

Douglas Max Utter_Thales’ Theorem, 2023_oil on canvas_40” x 30”-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Thales’ Theorem, 2023_oil on canvas_40” x 30”-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Thales' Theorem

Douglas Max Utter_Holy Family, 1990_latex house paint + acrylic glaze on canvas_46” x 40”-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Holy Family, 1990_latex house paint + acrylic glaze on canvas_46” x 40”-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Holy Family, 1990

Douglas Max Utter_Two Women_pastel on paper_16”L x .5”W x 18”H_1986-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Two Women_pastel on paper_16”L x .5”W x 18”H_1986-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Two Women

Douglas Max Utter_Extended Family #2, 2018-22_acrylic on canvas_24” x 24”-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Extended Family #2, 2018-22_acrylic on canvas_24” x 24”-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Extended Family #2

Douglas Max Utter_Kalanchoe, 1984_latex house paint on canvas_28” x 22”-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Kalanchoe, 1984_latex house paint on canvas_28” x 22”-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Kalanchoe

Douglas Max Utter_Crosswalk_Acrylic + Black Pastel on Canvas_24”L x 24”W_2020-1.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Crosswalk_Acrylic + Black Pastel on Canvas_24”L x 24”W_2020-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Crosswalk

Douglas Max Utter_Family, 1984_latex house paint, spray paint on canvas_60” x 50”-4.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Family, 1984_latex house paint, spray paint on canvas_60” x 50”-3.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Family

Douglas Max Utter_True Love - Night Clouds_Oil + Shellac on Canvas_49.5”L x 37.5”W_2011-2022-4.jpg Douglas Max Utter_True Love - Night Clouds_Oil + Shellac on Canvas_49.5”L x 37.5”W_2011-2022-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - True Love - Night Clouds

Douglas Max Utter - Poinsettia Afterglow

Douglas Max Utter - Poinsettia Afterglow

Douglas Max Utter_Landscape at Dusk, 1999_pastel on paper_17” x 14”-1.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Landscape at Dusk, 1999_pastel on paper_17” x 14”-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Landscape at Dusk

Douglas Max Utter_Newborn, 1988_latex house paint, acrylic glaze on canvas_60” x 66”-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Newborn, 1988_latex house paint, acrylic glaze on canvas_60” x 66”-3.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Newborn

Douglas Max Utter_La Danse, 2023_oil on canvas_12” x 12”-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_La Danse, 2023_oil on canvas_12” x 12”-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - La Danse

Douglas Max Utter_Taboo (Five Points at Midnight)_Oil on Canvas_21.5”L x 23.75”W_2022-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Taboo (Five Points at Midnight)_Oil on Canvas_21.5”L x 23.75”W_2022-3.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Taboo (Five Points at Midnight)

Douglas Max Utter_Nocturne with Yellow Car, 2023_oil on canvas_21” x 18”-1.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Nocturne with Yellow Car, 2023_oil on canvas_21” x 18”-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Nocturne with Yellow Car

Douglas Max Utter_ Nocturne with Black Car, 2023_oil on canvas_16” x 14”-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_ Nocturne with Black Car, 2023_oil on canvas_16” x 14”-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Nocturne with Black Car

Douglas Max Utter_Night on North Taylor, 2023_diptych_oil on canvas_72” x 48”-3.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Night on North Taylor, 2023_diptych_oil on canvas_72” x 48”-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Night on North Taylor

Douglas Max Utter_Night Drive, 2023_oil on canvas_24” x 30”-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Night Drive, 2023_oil on canvas_24” x 30”-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Night Drive

Douglas Max Utter_Who Let The Dogs Out_Oil on canvas_12”L x 1”W x 12”H_2023-1.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Who Let The Dogs Out_Oil on canvas_12”L x 1”W x 12”H_2023-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Who Let The Dogs Out

Douglas Max Utter_Twister and Moonlight_oil , pastel, shellac on canvas_20”L x .5”W x 20.5”H_2012-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Twister and Moonlight_oil , pastel, shellac on canvas_20”L x .5”W x 20.5”H_2012-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Twister and Moonlight

Douglas Max Utter_X-Ray (Imaging of Grief), 1990_spray paint + latex house paint on canvas_20” x 16”-3.jpg Douglas Max Utter_X-Ray (Imaging of Grief), 1990_spray paint + latex house paint on canvas_20” x 16”-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - X-Ray (Imaging of Grief)

Douglas Max Utter_The World Long Ago_latex and spray paint on canvas_60%22L x 2%22W x 66%22H_1990-1991 (3 of 4).jpg Douglas Max Utter_The World Long Ago_latex and spray paint on canvas_60%22L x 2%22W x 66%22H_1990-1991 (2 of 4).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - The World Long Ago

Douglas Max Utter_Holy Family, 1996_tar, black pastel, + latex binder on canvas_44” x 34”-3.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Holy Family, 1996_tar, black pastel, + latex binder on canvas_44” x 34”-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Holy Family

Douglas Max Utter_DayGlo Sunbather, 2020_oil on canvas_24%22 x 20”-3.jpg Douglas Max Utter_DayGlo Sunbather, 2020_oil on canvas_24%22 x 20”-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Day-Glo Sunbather

Douglas Max Utter_Study for Midcentury Modern, 2018_graphite on paper_16%22 x 14%22-1.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Study for Midcentury Modern, 2018_graphite on paper_16%22 x 14%22-3.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Study for Midcentury Modern

Douglas Max Utter_ Iphigenia at Five Points, 2022-23_oil on canvas_54” x 76”-3.jpg Douglas Max Utter_ Iphigenia at Five Points, 2022-23_oil on canvas_54” x 76”-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Iphigenia at Five Points

Douglas Max Utter - Two Detectives in a Landscape Douglas Max Utter_Two Detectives in a Landscape_Oil on Canvas_21.5”L x 23.75”W_2022-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Two Detectives in a Landscape

Douglas Max Utter_Study of J.B. with Shadow_Oil + Shellac on Panel_10”L x 10”W_2016-1.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Study of J.B. with Shadow_Oil + Shellac on Panel_10”L x 10”W_2016-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Study of J.B. with Shadow

Douglas Max Utter_Young Man with Blue Tan_Acrylic + Latex on Canvas_26”L x 26”W_2019-3.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Young Man with Blue Tan_Acrylic + Latex on Canvas_26”L x 26”W_2019-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Young Man with Blue Tan

Douglas Max Utter_Happy Baby_monoprint_19”L x 15”W_2009-6.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Happy Baby_monoprint_19”L x 15”W_2009-4.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Happy Baby

Douglas Max Utter_Afternoon News_Acrylic, Latex, + Black Pastel on Canvas_23”L x 19”W_2008-1.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Afternoon News_Acrylic, Latex, + Black Pastel on Canvas_23”L x 19”W_2008-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Afternoon News

Douglas Max Utter_Crossroads_Monoprint, etching ink on BFK rives_12”L x .5”W x 12”H_2012-2.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Crossroads_Monoprint, etching ink on BFK rives_12”L x .5”W x 12”H_2012-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Crossroads

Douglas Max Utter_Woman by the Sea_Oil, latex, pastel on canvas_12”L x .5”W x 16”H_2009-3.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Woman by the Sea_Oil, latex, pastel on canvas_12”L x .5”W x 16”H_2009-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Woman By The Sea

Douglas Max Utter_Abandoned Apartments on Woodward at Coit Rd.,East Cleveland_oil on canvas_20”L x 20”H_022 (4 of 4).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Abandoned Apartments on Woodward at Coit Rd.,East Cleveland_oil on canvas_20”L x 20”H_022 (2 of 4).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Abandoned Apartments on Woodward at Coit Rd.,East Cleveland

Douglas Max Utter_Near Five Points_oil on canvas_20”L x 20”H_2022 (4 of 4).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Near Five Points_oil on canvas_20”L x 20”H_2022 (2 of 4).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Near Five Points

Douglas Max Utter_Selfie Flash_oil on canvas_20”L x 20”H_2022 (4 of 4).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Selfie Flash_oil on canvas_20”L x 20”H_2022 (2 of 4).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Selfie Flash

Douglas Max Utter_Still Life Moving Fast_oil on canvas_20”L x 20”H_2022 (3 of 4).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Still Life Moving Fast_oil on canvas_20”L x 20”H_2022 (1 of 4).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Still Life Moving Fast

Douglas Max Utter_Brilliance_oil on canvas_12”L x 12”H_2022 (4 of 4).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Brilliance_oil on canvas_12”L x 12”H_2022 (2 of 4).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Brilliance

Douglas Max Utter_Smoking Poet_oil on canvas_12”L x 12”H_2022 (3 of 4).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Smoking Poet_oil on canvas_12”L x 12”H_2022 (1 of 4).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Smoking Poet

Douglas Max Utter - Red Car in the Morning Untitled-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Red Car in the Morning

Douglas Max Utter_Trending 2020_acrylic, tar + graphite on canvas_31.5”L x 2.5”W x 31.5”H_2020_No Frame.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Trending 2020_acrylic, tar + graphite on canvas_31.5”L x 2.5”W x 31.5”H_2020_Gallery Wall-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Trending 2020

Douglas Max Utter_Study of K.R. #1_monoprint_15.5”L x 1”W x 18.75”H_2016.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Study of K.R. #1_monoprint_15.5”L x 1”W x 18.75”H_2016_Gallery Wall-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Study of K.R. #1

Douglas Max Utter_Study of K.R. #2_monoprint_14.5”L x 1”W x 16.5”H_2016.jpg Douglas Max Utter_Study of K.R. #2_monoprint_14.5”L x 1”W x 16.5”H_2016_Gallery Wall-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Study of K.R. #2

DouglasMaxUtter_Drive-In_25x25inches_2018.jpg Utter_Drive-In_Acrylic and Black Pastel on Canvas_28x24 inches_2018_Gallery Wall-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Drive-In

untitled-418.jpg untitled-411.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Imaginary Friend #2

DouglasMaxUtter_Anomaly #2.jpg Utter_Anomaly #2_Acrylic, Shellac and Pastel on Canvas_12x12 inches_2012_Gallery Wall-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Anomaly #2

Utter_Partial Eclipse_Acrylic, Shellac and Pastel on Canvas_12x12 inches_2012.jpg Utter_Partial Eclipse_Acrylic, Shellac and Pastel on Canvas_12x12 inches_2012_Gallery Wall.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Partial Eclipse #2

DouglasMaxUtter_Evening in Page County #1.jpg DouglasMaxUtter_Anomaly #1_Anomaly #2_Evening in Page County #1_Evening in Page County #2_Partial Eclipse.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Evening in Page County #1

DouglasMaxUtter_Partial Eclipse.jpg IMG_7807.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Partial Eclipse #1

DouglasMaxUtter_Evening in Page County #2.jpg IMG_7808.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Evening in Page County #2

DouglasMaxUtter_Father + Child_monoprint_2013.jpg Utter_Father and Child_monoprint on BFK Rives_18.5x15 inches_2013_Gallery Wall-1.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Father and Child

Utter_Poem By The Nishnabotha River_Latex, Charcoal, Pastel and Encaustic on Canvas_25x25 inches_2018.jpg Utter_Poem By The Nishnabotha River_Latex, Charcoal, Pastel and Encaustic on Canvas_25x25 inches_2018_Gallery Wall-3.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Poem By The Nishnabotha River

Utter_Still Life with Specimen Jar_acrylic on canvas_24x24 inches_2019.jpg Utter_Still Life with Specimen Jar_acrylic on canvas_24x24 inches_2019_Gallery Wall-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Still Life with Specimen Jar

untitled-425.jpg untitled-424.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Man with Glasses

DouglasMaxUtter_Nervous Gender_20x16inches_2016.jpg Utter_Nervous Gender_Acrylic and Latex Paint, Black Pastel and Shellac on Canvas_20x16 inches_2016_Gallery Wall-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Nervous Gender

Douglas Max Utter_Heron_monoprint_14%22L x 18%22H_2009 (3 of 5).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Heron_monoprint_14%22L x 18%22H_2009 (2 of 5).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Heron

Douglas Max Utter_Bow Asana.jpg Utter_Bow Asana_Monoprint on BFK Rives Paper_22.5x18.5 inches_2013_Gallery Wall-2.jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Bow Asana

Douglas Max Utter_Crosswalk_oil on canvas_24%22L x .75%22W x 20%22H_2021 (3 of 6).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Crosswalk_oil on canvas_24%22L x .75%22W x 20%22H_2021 (2 of 6).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Crosswalk

Douglas Max Utter_Epiphany_oil on canvas_12%22L x 1.5%22W x 12%22H_2021 (2 of 5).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Epiphany_oil on canvas_12%22L x 1.5%22W x 12%22H_2021 (1 of 5).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Epiphany

Douglas Max Utter_Lured into Danger_monoprint_13%22L x .5%22W x 14.5%22H_2012 (2 of 6).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Lured into Danger_monoprint_13%22L x .5%22W x 14.5%22H_2012 (1 of 6).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Lured into Danger

Douglas Max Utter_Suburban Eclipse_oil on canvas_24%22L x 1.5%22W x 24%22W_2020 (4 of 7).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Suburban Eclipse_oil on canvas_24%22L x 1.5%22W x 24%22W_2020 (3 of 7).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Suburban Eclipse

Douglas Max Utter_Breath_acrylic, latex and black pastel on canvas_16%22L x 1%22W x 20%22H_2005 (4 of 7).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Breath_acrylic, latex and black pastel on canvas_16%22L x 1%22W x 20%22H_2005 (3 of 7).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Breath

Douglas Max Utter_Breathing_oil, black pastel on canvas_18%22L x 1.5%22W x 18%22L_2020 (4 of 6).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Breathing_oil, black pastel on canvas_18%22L x 1.5%22W x 18%22L_2020 (3 of 6).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Breathing

Douglas Max Utter_Driving to Petaluma_oil on canvas_15%22L x 1.5%22W x 20%22H_2021 (4 of 6).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Driving to Petaluma_oil on canvas_15%22L x 1.5%22W x 20%22H_2021 (3 of 6).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Driving to Petaluma

Douglas Max Utter_Mary and Judas_oil, black pastel on canvas_18%22L x 1.5%22W x 18%22H_2021 (4 of 7).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Mary and Judas_oil, black pastel on canvas_18%22L x 1.5%22W x 18%22H_2021 (3 of 7).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Mary and Judas

Douglas Max Utter_Morning_oil, black pastel on canvas_8%22L x 1.5%22W x 10%22H_2021 (4 of 6).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Morning_oil, black pastel on canvas_8%22L x 1.5%22W x 10%22H_2021 (3 of 6).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Morning

Douglas Max Utter_Red #2_oil, black on canvas_9.5%22L x .5%22W x 9.5%22H_2021 (3 of 5).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Red #2_oil, black on canvas_9.5%22L x .5%22W x 9.5%22H_2021 (2 of 5).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Red #2

Douglas Max Utter_Shade_oil, black pastel on canvas_10%22L x .5%22W x 10%22H_2021 (3 of 5).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Shade_oil, black pastel on canvas_10%22L x .5%22W x 10%22H_2021 (2 of 5).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Shade

Douglas Max Utter_Mother and Child at Sunset_oil on canvas_24%22L x 1%22W x 30%22H_2020 (2 of 2).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Mother and Child at Sunset_oil on canvas_24%22L x 1%22W x 30%22H_2020 (1 of 2).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Mother and Child at Sunset

Douglas Max Utter_Visit to Trempealeau_Oil on canvas_50”L x 2”W x 58”H_2021 (4 of 8).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Visit to Trempealeau_Oil on canvas_50”L x 2”W x 58”H_2021 (3 of 8).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Visit To Trempealeau

Douglas Max Utter_Tidings Brought to Mary_oil on canvas_18%22L x 1%22W x 18%22H_2021 (4 of 7).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Tidings Brought to Mary_oil on canvas_18%22L x 1%22W x 18%22H_2021 (3 of 7).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Tidings Brought To Mary

Douglas Max Utter_Papier-Mâché Giraffe_Oil on canvas_19.5”L x 2.5”W x 19.5”H_2021 (4 of 7).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Papier-Mâché Giraffe_Oil on canvas_19.5”L x 2.5”W x 19.5”H_2021 (2 of 7).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Papier-Mâché Giraffe

Douglas Max Utter_Selfie_Oil on canvas_13”L x 1 3-4”W x 13”H_2020 (5 of 6).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Selfie_Oil on canvas_13”L x 1 3-4”W x 13”H_2020 (2 of 6).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Selfie

Douglas Max Utter_Habeas Corpus_Oil on canvas_19”L x 2.5”W x 24”H_2021 (6 of 6).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Habeas Corpus_Oil on canvas_19”L x 2.5”W x 24”H_2021 (4 of 6).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Habeas Corpus

Douglas Max Utter_Downstairs Bathroom_Oil on canvas_17.5”L x 2.5”W x 21.5”H_2021 (4 of 7).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Downstairs Bathroom_Oil on canvas_17.5”L x 2.5”W x 21.5”H_2021 (2 of 7).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Downstairs Bathroom

Douglas Max Utter_Mess of Spring_Oil on canvas_13.5”L x 2.5”W x 13.5”H_2021 (4 of 6).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Mess of Spring_Oil on canvas_13.5”L x 2.5”W x 13.5”H_2021 (2 of 6).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Mess of Spring

Douglas Max Utter_Ivanhoe_Oil on canvas_21.5”L x 2.5”W x 17.5”H_2021 (4 of 7).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Ivanhoe_Oil on canvas_21.5”L x 2.5”W x 17.5”H_2021 (2 of 7).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Ivanhoe

Douglas Max Utter_Thoughts of an Island_Oil + acrylic on canvas_25.5”L x 2.5”W x 25.5”H_2021 (4 of 6).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Thoughts of an Island_Oil + acrylic on canvas_25.5”L x 2.5”W x 25.5”H_2021 (2 of 6).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Thoughts of an Island

Douglas Max Utter_Bathroom Mirror_Oil on canvas_21.5”L x 2.5”W x 21.5”H_2020 (4 of 7).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Bathroom Mirror_Oil on canvas_21.5”L x 2.5”W x 21.5”H_2020 (2 of 7).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Bathroom Mirror

Douglas Max Utter_In The Past_Oil on canvas_21.5”L x 2.5”W x 21.5”H_2021 (4 of 6).jpg Douglas Max Utter_In The Past_Oil on canvas_21.5”L x 2.5”W x 21.5”H_2021 (2 of 6).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - In The Past

Douglas Max Utter_Winter on Pepper Avenue_Oil on canvas_17.5”L x 2.5”W x 21.5”H_2021 (4 of 7).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Winter on Pepper Avenue_Oil on canvas_17.5”L x 2.5”W x 21.5”H_2021 (2 of 7).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Winter on Pepper Ave

Douglas Max Utter_Seated Figure_monoprint_11%22L x 15%22H_1998 (3 of 5).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Seated Figure_monoprint_11%22L x 15%22H_1998 (2 of 5).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Seated Figure

Douglas Max Utter_Storm_monoprint_11%22L x 14%22H_2010 (3 of 5).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Storm_monoprint_11%22L x 14%22H_2010 (2 of 5).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Storm

Douglas Max Utter_Red Portrait_monoprint_15%22L x 21%22H_1994 (3 of 5).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Red Portrait_monoprint_15%22L x 21%22H_1994 (2 of 5).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Red Portrait

Douglas Max Utter_ Study for Brecksville Library Mural_monoprint_22%22L x .5%22W x 15%22H_2014 (3 of 7).jpg Douglas Max Utter_ Study for Brecksville Library Mural_monoprint_22%22L x .5%22W x 15%22H_2014 (2 of 7).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Study for Brecksville Library Mural

Douglas Max Utter_Rain and Smoke (3)_monoprint_23%22L x .5%22W x 17%22H_2004 (3 of 6).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Rain and Smoke (3)_monoprint_23%22L x .5%22W x 17%22H_2004 (2 of 6).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Rain and Smoke (3)

Douglas Max Utter_Tornado_monoprint and oil paint_24%22L x 19%22H_2007 (3 of 6).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Tornado_monoprint and oil paint_24%22L x 19%22H_2007 (2 of 6).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Tornado

Douglas Max Utter_Untitled_monoprint_15%22L x 11%22H_2003 (3 of 5).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Untitled_monoprint_15%22L x 11%22H_2003 (2 of 5).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Untitled

Douglas Max Utter_Untitled (Christ)_monoprint_11%22L x 14%22H_2004 (3 of 4).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Untitled (Christ)_monoprint_11%22L x 14%22H_2004 (2 of 4).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Untitled (Christ)

Douglas Max Utter_Watching Canadian Geese_monoprint_22%22L x 15%22H_2014 (3 of 6).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Watching Canadian Geese_monoprint_22%22L x 15%22H_2014 (2 of 6).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Watching Canadian Geese

Douglas Max Utter_Christ_monoprint_11%22L x 14%22H_2004 (3 of 5).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Christ_monoprint_11%22L x 14%22H_2004 (2 of 5).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Christ

Douglas Max Utter_Cleveland Highway_monoprint_16%22L x 13%22H_2001 (3 of 5).jpg Douglas Max Utter_Cleveland Highway_monoprint_16%22L x 13%22H_2001 (2 of 5).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - Cleveland Highway

Douglas Max Utter_I 90 and West 116th_monoprint_16%22L x 13%22H_2001 (3 of 5).jpg Douglas Max Utter_I 90 and West 116th_monoprint_16%22L x 13%22H_2001 (2 of 5).jpg

Douglas Max Utter - I90 and West 116th

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Douglas Max Utter - Invocation

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Douglas Max Utter - Jack in the Box

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Douglas Max Utter - Lizzie Driving

Douglas Max Utter - Observation IMG_2533.jpeg

Douglas Max Utter - Observation

Douglas Max Utter- Bus Stop IMG_2536.jpeg

Douglas Max Utter- Bus Stop
