John W. Carlson - 1,000 Miles From Nowhere

John W. Carlson - 1,000 Miles From Nowhere
About This Item:
Oil, Charcoal, Cotton + Prairie Grass on Canvas
120”L x 3“W x 72”H
Price is available on Request
John W. Carlson’s 1,000 Miles From Nowhere is a large-scale landscape painting, influenced by the artist’s trip to Mississippi in 2019. It is an oil paint and charcoal on canvas, with collaged cotton and prairie grass that Carlson collected on his trip. 1,000 Miles From Nowhere was exhibited at HEDGE Gallery in February-April 2020 for the artist’s solo exhibition titled BLUES.
John W. Carlson is a traditional oil painter, who began his art training at Cooper School of Art. He creates abstract paintings as well as figurative drawings and paintings that dive deep into human emotions, evoking gentle gestures with intense and passionate brushwork. His paintings are part of both The Erie Art Museum and The Massillon Museum’s permanent collection, and his work is collected throughout the United States and Europe.