Justin Brennan - Transmissions

Justin Brennan - Transmissions


About This Item:

  • Oil + Enamel on Canvas

  • 48“L x 1.5“W x 48”H

  • 2019

Justin Brennan is an abstract and figurative painter who works in mediums such as oil, acrylic, latex, charcoal, spray paint, and collage, creating bold, vibrant paintings that focus on his day to day interactions and human relationships. He is mainly self-taught, beginning his practice in 2005, and can be found in many private collections throughout the United States.

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Justin Brennan - Falling Apart FB34B450-188A-49C2-A7C2-843026E0975F.jpeg

Justin Brennan - Falling Apart

Justin Brennan - Berlin Justin Brennan_Berlin_oil, spray paint on panel_20“L x 1.5“W x 20“H_2020 (2 of 4).jpg

Justin Brennan - Berlin

Justin Brennan_Taken for a Fool_oil, enamel on canvas_30“L x 1.5“W x 40“H_2020 (3 of 5).jpg Justin Brennan_Taken for a Fool_oil, enamel on canvas_30“L x 1.5“W x 40“H_2020 (2 of 5).jpg

Justin Brennan - Taken for a Fool

Justin Brennan_Sunday Morning_oil, enamel, spray paint on canvas_24“L x 1.5“W x 24“H_2020 (3 of 4).jpg Justin Brennan_Sunday Morning_oil, enamel, spray paint on canvas_24“L x 1.5“W x 24“H_2020 (2 of 4).jpg

Justin Brennan - Sunday Morning

Justin Brennan_Garden of Eden_oil, enamel, spray paint on canvas_50“L x 2.5“W x 40“H_2017 (5 of 5).jpg Justin Brennan_Garden of Eden_oil, enamel, spray paint on canvas_50“L x 2.5“W x 40“H_2017 (4 of 5).jpg

Justin Brennan - Garden of Eden
