85581A68-5DDE-4B7F-A8B5-0E80A5AFC223 450B70AF-2136-444E-988B-C80D9466CA69

Katy Richards - Tell You Later

0630CD33-8731-4534-8149-536693E7EAF4 6BA93D30-7D6B-46AC-9496-11EA2763C1EF

Katy Richards - Gold Shimmer

Katy Richards_Land Meets Sea_oil on panel_20”L x 1.5”W x 20”H_2016 (2 of 4).jpg Katy Richards_Land Meets Sea_oil on panel_20”L x 1.5”W x 20”H_2016 (1 of 4).jpg

Katy Richards - Land Meets Sea

Katy Richards - September Katy Richards_September_oil on panel_20”L x 1.5”W x 20”H_2016 (2 of 3).jpg

Katy Richards - September
