Liz Maugans - Casseroles LIE

Liz Maugans - Casseroles LIE


About This Item:

Acrylic, Spray Paint + Screenprint on Canvas

36”L x 1.5”L x 36”H


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Liz Maugans_Like it or Not_acrylic, screenprint, collage, spray paint on paper_34”L x 1.5”W x 34”H_2021 (3 of 7).jpg Liz Maugans_Like it or Not_acrylic, screenprint, collage, spray paint on paper_34”L x 1.5”W x 34”H_2021 (2 of 7).jpg

Liz Maugans - Like It or Not

Liz Maugans_Drive Thru_Acrylic on Canvas_60”L x 1.5”W x 48”H_2021 (3 of 7).jpg Liz Maugans_Drive Thru_Acrylic on Canvas_60”L x 1.5”W x 48”H_2021 (2 of 7).jpg

Liz Maugans - Drive Thru

Liz Maugans_I’ve Seen This Film Before_Acrylic, screenprint + collage on panel_6.5”L x 1”W x 6.5”H_2021 (3 of 4).jpg Liz Maugans_I’ve Seen This Film Before_Acrylic, screenprint + collage on panel_6.5”L x 1”W x 6.5”H_2021 (2 of 4).jpg

Liz Maugans - I've Seen This Film Before

Liz Maugans_Find Someone Fast_Acrylic, screenprint + wax on panel_8”L x 1”W x 6”H_2021 (3 of 4).jpg Liz Maugans_Find Someone Fast_Acrylic, screenprint + wax on panel_8”L x 1”W x 6”H_2021 (2 of 4).jpg

Liz Maugans - Find Someone Fast

Liz Maugans_Uncomfortable Zone_Acrylic, Screenprint, Collage on Morgan Paper mounted on canvas_18.5”L x 2” W x 24.5”H_2021 (3 of 6).jpg Liz Maugans_Uncomfortable Zone_Acrylic, Screenprint, Collage on Morgan Paper mounted on canvas_18.5”L x 2” W x 24.5”H_2021 (2 of 6).jpg

Liz Maugans - Uncomfortable Zone
